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Past Projects

ProgrammeName of ProgrammeDescription Funded By BudgetDuration of funding Beneficiaries
Rescue and RehabilitationImplementation of Rehabilitation Action Plan in Hariharjore Irrigation Project.To evacuate and motivate the displaced Families for purchase of productive assets, facilitate their economic rehabilitation, facilitate of formation of self help group and to make them operational. 188 family purchased productive asset.Department of Water Resources Govt. of Odisha.318400.00
15th January, 1996 to 14th January, 1998.206 numbers of Displaced Family.
SHG promotionPromotion of Self GroupFormation, linkages and strengthening of Self Help Group. 100 SHG have been Formed.NABARD155000.0013.2.2004-12.2.2006Women of Ulunda & Birmaharajpur Block.
Rescue and RehabilitationFlood Relief and rehabilitation Programme.Reclaiming of Agricultural land, repairing of tube well for drinking water, and repairing of school and Aganwadi Centre.Save the Children2006-2008Families member including Children.
EducationQuality & Inclusive Education Programme1. To improve participation of the community, parents and children in education planning, monitoring and management
2. Strengthening the quality of elementary education in order to ensure access and retention of children
Save the Children900000.00
2007-2010Children and adolescent
EducationWestern Odisha Education Watch Programme.To create an opportunities for the underprivileged children with services of basic qualityEdukan Foundation
Through YCDA, Baunsuni.
Community DevelopmentASHA Training ProgrammeTrainig to ASHA192885.002008ASHA Workers of Binka Block
Community DevelopmentPRI TrainingPRI training was conducted to make aware and strengthen the implementation process of Government Scheme and programme.State Institute for Rural Development, PAnchayati Raj Department , Govt. of Odisha72800.00
23.9.2008-31.10.2010Elected Representative of Panchayati Raj Institution.
Awareness on Child RightsStronger Voice to Excluded Children in Govt. and NGOs  Programme and Policies.Improved the status of the most socially excluded children in India, with their voices heard and recognized institutionally formal and informal structures.Save the Children-Bal Rakshya Bharat1374610.00
Disaster Management School Safety ProgrammeTraining Programme on Scholl safety during DisasterDistrict Administration Subarnapur, Emergency Section282500.002009-2010School Children and SMC Member of 10 High schools of 6 Blocks of Subarnapur District
Awareness on Child Rights / MigrationDestination Unknown Children on Move CampaignSensitize the children on a safe move.TDH, German through CARD, Bhubaneswar21170.002018Children and Their Parents
HealthIntegrated response to reduce prevalence of Child Marriages in India.Awareness programme to reduce Child Marriage.Amply Change through VHAI.50575.00January, 2017 to 31, October 2018ASHA Workers of Binka Block.
Rescue and RehabilitationCommunity Based Rehabilitation Programme for Persons with Disabilities.The project aims to undertake socio-economic rehabilitation of persons (including children) with various disabilities, building their agency, strengthening and demonstrating services for disabled people and making the community and government systems sensitive and responsive to the problems of persons with disabilities.Paul Hamlyn Foundation, UK1836542.00
2011-2017Children and Persons with Disabilities.
Rescue and RehabilitationCommunity Based Rehabilitation ProgrammeThe project aims to undertake socio-economic rehabilitation of persons (including children)District Office, Subarnapur, Social welfare Section. 100000.002014-2015Children and Persons with Disabilities.
Rescue and RehabilitationMigrant Bonded Labour Initiative.To facilitate Govt. Rehabilitation assistance and comprehensive social and economic entitlements for freed migrant Bonded Labors, prevent them from distress and advocate for effective policies and enforcement of laws for migrant workers and bonded labors.Aide-et-Action, South Asia.123700.00
1st February 2013- 31st December, 2014Migrant Bonded Labours and their family Members including Children.
SHG promotionFormation of Disabled SHG.Formation, linkages and strengthening of Self Help Group involving PwDsPaul Hamlyn Foundation2011-2017Women with Disability of 5 GP of Tarva Block
Livelihood promotionCommunity Based Rehabilitation ProgrammeEncourage the PwDs to start income generation activities to enhance their dignity.Paul Hamlyn Foundation, UK2011-2017Persons with Disabilities of 5 G.P of Tarva Block